Venice is an absolute masterpiece. Must see, words cannot really describe it, you just got to go there. It is also a heaven for anyone even remotely interested in photography at all.
I will tell you a secret: in Venice it is really hard to take a bad photo. Go, and try. One advice: try to stay away from the "touristic Venice". As soon as possible, take a left, then the 2nd right, walk 300 meters, then the 1st left. You have, probably, just arrived in the REAL Venice, the one "owned" by venetians. The one they try to hide from tourist, the beautiful Venezia most tourists do not see.
I have been to Venice truly countless times. And there is still stuff to discover. The last time I was there, I was (off course) taking pictures. Lots of them. I found this one, it looked interesting, I made some really minor corrections for colors, and this is what it became (left)
I love this picture because when I clicked, this is exactly what I saw, felt and what I wanted to take away with me.
Perfect. I love Venice.
Una fotto minimalista, essenziale. Proprio la Venezia che raramente si riesce ad apprezzare a causa dell'insopportabile caos. Molto bella.
Grazie, quella e' la Venezia che mi piace. L' anno scorso sono riuscito a vedere quello che io chiamo la Venezia "vera" quella che i giapponesi ed americani non vedono mai, ed e' stupenda. Bar di "periferia", negozietti, poca gente in giro, ma molto disposta a chiacchierare con un "foresto" (ma non tanto), si scoprono cose e persone incredibili.
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