Monday, February 23, 2009

Asparagus ...

Asparagus, asparagi in Italian, "sparesi" in or dialect. The ones I want to tell you about are the "wild" ones, the ones that grow in Istria, in early spring until May, and you can find them in the bushes, in between thorns and poison ivy, gathering them is a challenge, and a badge of honor ... Once cooked, either with eggs, or alone, usually simmered in oil or butter, the taste is somewhat bitter. Some say definitely an "acquired taste". My three oldest kids, born and raised in Texas, tried them once and were "hooked" forever. Unfortunately "wild asparagus" do not grow in Texas, only in Istria, and right now we can only dream of long walks in the countryside of Istria, stick in one hand, and asparagus in the other one... If ytou are there ( Rob, mi senti.. ? ) have some for us too.

Alla prossima !

1 comment:

rob said...

Certo che ti sento ed anzi mi chiedevo dove fossi finito! ;)
I bruscandoli!! Confermo la loro bontà ma devo dire che sono veramente negato per raccoglierli. Sarà la mia miopia ed una marcata dose di pigrizia ma esco sempre dal bosco con il mazzetto più striminziato. Sigh! Comunque una frittata con i bruscandoli appena raccolti è imbattibile. Mama mia, no vedo l'ora che rivi primavera!